reflex a l'aigua del rriu de la Façana flivial de Móra d'Ebre


A perfect route to start canoeing, but also suitable to repeat a thousand times, because it never tires or disappoints. The section from Móra to Miravet is easy and undemanding, but with its dose of adventure and a wild and wonderful landscape.

Here we can discover, accompanied by the birds that inhabits the area, places such as Illa del Galatxo, a protected area, or pass under the Móra d’Ebre Bridge and next to the Pas de Barca de Miravet. We can make a stop half way, to swim if the heat is too hot, and the arrival in Miravet, as spectacular as few, will put an end to a great morning.

Technical sheet



Approximate time

2h 30'

Recommended minimum age

3 years

Recommended time

The whole year


For all audiences. It is the route recommended as a first experience due to its beauty, the low difficulty of the section and the help offered by the current of the river.

grup de piragüistes fent un descans al mig del riu amb el castell de Miravet a la llunyania
paisatge emboirat amb una noia fent una foto al poble de Miravet des de dalt de la piragua
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Middle length routes prices (2h - 3h)


Adult prices

Children prices (9 to 13 years)


70€ total


30€ per person

25€ per person


25€ per person

20€ per person

20 or more

20€ per person

15€ per person

- Starting the Vinebre-Móra route from the height of Ascó has a €5/person supplement.

- Children aged 8 and under do not pay if they do not occupy a place.

- Children aged 8 or younger who occupy a place pay 15€

- Children aged 8 or under do not count towards the total number of group members, as they enjoy special discounts

- The minimum price for this activity is €70

For reservations, we ask for confirmation of the number of people the day before. If you do not notify us of changes before 9 p.m. the day before, we cannot guarantee the possibility of having more canoes available and, if the group is smaller than what was reserved, you will have to pay €15 per space not presented

Móra d'Ebre

Visita el castell de Móra, d’origen àrab, reconquistat per Ramon Berenguer IV i, més endavant, cedit a la Baronia d’Entença.

Situat al capdamunt de la població, és el lloc perfecte per tenir una bona panoràmica del riu, de Móra d’Ebre i de gran part de la Ribera d’Ebre. Més informació al web de l'ajuntament de Móra d'Ebre


Pots començar per una visita al casc antic del poble de Miravet. Segur que els seus carrers costeruts i estrets, alguns d’ells a la vora del penya-segat que dóna al riu, no et deixaran amagar la càmera fotogràfica ni un segon. Aquests mateixos carrers et portaran fins a l’església vella, una església renaixentista construïda damunt d’una antiga mesquita musulmana. Més informació al web de turisme Miravet

També pots visitar el castell de Miravet, conquerit per Ramon Berenguer IV als àrabs i cedit a l’Ordre del Temple, que el va ampliar i hi va construir a sobre fins a construir el castell que, a hores d’ara, es pot veure. Més informació a la web del Castell de Miravet

Visita un dels 8 tallers de ceràmica, un antic art artesanal que continua en actiu gràcies a la feina dels Canterers de Miravet. Més informació al web de turisme Miravet


In the summer you must wear clothes and shoes that can get wet. It is better that the footwear is well held on the foot. If possible, you should avoid wearing flip flops, as it is easier to lose them and they are not as comfortable for doing the activity. We recommend wearing a t-shirt during the activity, to avoid possible sunburn and the rubbing of the life jacket on the skin.

During the activity it is important to bring water, mosquito repellent and sun protection (sun cream, cap and sunglasses). It is also recommended to bring spare clothes for after the activity.

It is necessary to protect electronic devices, such as cameras or telephones, and if possible, to tie the glasses, especially if they are prescription. At Enblau we have some watertight drum and ropes, but we cannot guarantee that we will always have them available.

Individual kayaks are comfortable, stable and very manoeuvrable. They are of the so-called “closed” or “sit-in” which gives them extra stability, and on winter routes they are the most suitable because they prevent us from getting wet from the waist down. They are our recommendation for people without experience, as they make it easier to learn to kayak.

Double kayaks are so-called “sit-on-top” or unsinkable. They are a little less maneuverable than the single ones, due to their larger volume, but they allow up to two adults and two small children to be carried comfortably. It is advisable that paddlers already have previous experience, but it is not essential. They are also suitable for large people.

In winter it is important to wear a thermal sweater or one that keeps the body warm and a waterproof jacket. We leave spraydecks to prevent your legs from getting wet with the splashes that can occur when paddling. At this time it is also advisable to have at least two changes of clothes; one to take during the activity in a waterproof bag and another to leave in the car for when we finish the activity.

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